Children in the nursery!
We are going to Poland! Financial aid 400 Plus to finance the stay of children in a nursery. The maximum amount of assistance is PLN 400 per month. It covers all expenses related to the institution, but does not reimburse the cost of meals. To do this, it is necessary to submit an application to ZUS in electronic form. The following can apply:* citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Poland after February 23, 2022; * citizens of Ukraine who crossed the border with Poland after February 23, 2022 and gave birth to a child in Poland;
* citizens of Ukraine who lived in Poland until February 24, but whose children they are applying for arrived in Poland after February 23. For example, if the father of the family worked in Poland until February 24, and starting from February 24, his wife and a small child came to Poland.
* citizens of other countries who, according to a decision of a Polish court, take care of a Ukrainian child who arrived in Poland after February 23, 2022. With the help of this help, you can cover the costs of a nursery, a children's club, an institution where a day care worker works, a day care worker who is a private entrepreneur.