Border crossing with Hungary
Helpful Information
General border crossing information
Link kopierenHungary accepts Ukrainians without a biometric passport as long as they have another form of identification. Animal relocated no required documentation.
If you have no relatives or friends in Hungary, you can stay in special refugee centers. Six of them work along the Ukrainian border. One was set up near the Chop railway station at the Zakhon railway station. Ukrainians crossing the border can obtain detailed information about their stay in the country.
Volunteers provide accommodation, food, and other assistance, including legal advice for Ukrainians, at checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Hungarian border and at railway stations. There is also a 24-hour telephone hotline in Hungary, 1818, where you can get temporary asylum advice, including in Ukrainian.
Ukrainians have free access to Hungarian railways and public transportation in Budapest.
Numbers and addresses that are useful
Link kopierenIf you have arrived in Hungary and require assistance, please contact the Ukrainian Embassy in Budapest (address: 1125 Budapest, Istenhegyi Street 84 / B), tel. +36 1 422 41 18, +36 1 422 41 22, +36 1 422 41 23, +36 1 422 41 24).
In order to obtain information about the status of a person in need of temporary protection, you should contact:
1) In Budapest, contact the Hungary Migration Service at +36 1 463 9100, 1117 Budapest, st. Budafoki, 60 (1117 Budapest, Budafoki t 60.) or at: 1108 Budapest, Harmat ut. 131. (from 8:00)
Possibly, to the points
Keleti pályaudvar (East Station), 1087 Budapest, Kerepesi t 2-4, and Nyugati pályaudvar (West Station), 1062 Budapest, Teréz krt. 55
2) At Ukrainian-Hungarian border checkpoints, to specially equipped Hungarian consultation points.