Entry requirements for Italy
Italian immigration laws and the granting of resident permits
Making a residency permit available
Link kopierenInform the local authorities of your presence on their land within 8 days of entering Italy. Contact any police station about this. Find out at the police station the steps to take to apply for a residency permit in Italy, to reunite your family, to make a request for humanitarian protection, etc. To submit the paperwork for the residence permit, see if you can schedule an appointment immediately away.
Call the 800938873 hotline if you're in Rome and don't have a place to live. You can also get in touch with the prefecture offices in the city you're currently in and let them know you need housing in reception facilities due to your circumstances. Due to the extremely restricted supply of social or public housing in Italy, renting a private home is frequently reduced to being the only option.
Ukrainian immigrants' fundamental rights
Link kopierenThe right to residence, medical care, access to housing, the labor market, and education are guaranteed to Ukrainian citizens who are forced to flee the war. Temporary protection is valid for one year with the possibility of extension for the next six months twice (that is, for a maximum of one more year). In order to extend their stay (declare their presence) or obtain a temporary residence permit, citizens who arrived in Italy before the beginning of Russia's attack against Ukraine must apply to the local branch of the migration office.