How to register newborn Ukrainians abroad
What documents are required and where to submit them
Parents must submit an application for registration of a child's birth no later than 1 month after the child's birth.
Abroad, state registration of the birth of a child is carried out by diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Ukraine.
How is registration done?
A written or oral statement of the parents or one of them is submitted to the diplomatic mission or consular institution of Ukraine at the place of birth of the child or at the place of residence of the parents.
In case of parental incapacity, the registration of the child can be carried out by his relatives.
After the application of the child's parents or other persons, the consul registers the child's birth, simultaneously determining its origin and assigning a surname, first name, and patronymic.
What documents should be submitted to the consul for registration?
A document from a medical institution about the birth of a child or a certificate from a doctor who provided assistance during.
Passport or other documents certifying the identity of the parents (one of the parents).
A document that is the basis for entering information about the father (marriage certificate, mother's statement, father's statement on recognition of paternity, etc.)