Poland. Conditions for Ukrainians

Poland, which took in 1 million, 170,000 refugees from Ukraine, is the country that has done so the most. We have compiled for you all of the requirements for Ukrainians to stay in Poland.

Temporary protection status

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Ukrainians can legally stay in Poland for 18 months, beginning on February 24, 2022, under the status of temporary protection. You must apply for Pesel in order to receive temporary protection. Local self-government organizations must receive an application before a document can be obtained.

Financial support

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  • Payment in full: 300 zlotys.
  • Similar to Polish nationals, Ukrainians may claim 500 zlotys per month for a kid under 18 and 300 zlotys per year for textbooks and school supplies.

Ukrainians who arrived in Poland after February 24 have the same access to free healthcare as Polish nationals. All resettlers must get a personal PESEL number, which is used for this.

Education for children

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Children in Poland between the ages of 7 and 18 must attend school. As a result, every Ukrainian child over the age of seven must attend a school that is appropriate for their age. Children are accepted to the proper class if their parents or guardians can show a Ukrainian school certificate. Ukrainian students must interview at a Polish school in the absence of such a document, and the commission then selects which class they will be assigned.

Polish and Ukrainians both enjoy equal access to the labor market.