Safety in the work of a professional driver
Before each flight, carry out a technical inspection of the car - it is better to make sure that everything is working as it should

1. check the weight of the transported goods - it is important that the vehicle is not overloaded;
2. when reversing, be as careful as possible - this is important for your safety and the safety of the people around you;
3. make sure that the headlights are always clean - if they are tarnished, you can try the following method: apply ordinary toothpaste to the headlights, and then polish them with a soft cloth;
4. clean windows will provide good visibility - the problem can be not only dirt from the outside, but also evaporation inside. To prevent fogging, you should use special means, but in extreme cases, a folk method is suitable - wipe the glass with a potato cut in half;
5. don't forget basic safety rules - drive at the permitted speed, fasten seat belts, don't dazzle other drivers with high beams at night, don't get distracted from driving.
IIIIII!!! Don't forget to rest!