Space map
With Ukrainian books abroad!
Map of spaces with Ukrainian books abroad. About 85% of Ukrainian bookshelves were created after February 24, 2022. 70% of them are at libraries. The website Ukrainian Bookshelves Worldwide also has research on the activities of Ukrainian bookshelves abroad, as well as a guide for creating your own. The map contains 388 spaces in 22 countries of the world: Austria, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Italy, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, South Korea, Portugal, the Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, France , Czech Republic, Switzerland. The project was created with the support of the Ukrainian Library Association, the Ukrainian Library Association, the German Library Association, the Goethe-Institut in Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The "Ukrainian Bookshelves Worldwide" space map with Ukrainian books abroad was created by "Chitomo" and "LitCenter". We read because we are worth it!