The Council of the Business Ombudsman opens a branch in Krakow to aid Ukrainian business owners
A temporary office will be established in Krakow, where RBO inspectors will assist Ukrainian entrepreneurs who have fled the country with legal matters pertaining to cross-border trade with Poland.

Polish partners' support of Ukrainian businesspeople
Link kopierenRBO is recognized for focusing its efforts on supporting Ukrainian firms during this challenging moment for them. In particular, a temporary office in Krakow will be established with the help of Polish partners of small and medium-sized businesses, where Council inspectors will offer legal assistance to businesspeople who have fled Ukraine to resolve issues related to cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland.
At Promprilad in Ivano-Frankivsk, a functional representative office will also be established. Entrepreneurs can get qualified legal assistance anywhere in Western Ukraine, where business has exploded in recent months.
They exert every effort to maintain operations and serve as a border crossing point between Ukraine and the EU. This also applies to businesses who want to move personnel and assets to Ukraine's west.